Wednesday, November 23, 2011


I've always been fascinated with dreams. I've had crazy nonsense dreams, horrible nightmares, funny dreams and a few just really good dreams. I always wondered if they meant anything - and if so, what? 

Several years ago I began to get some good teaching about what dreams really are and what they mean. The first thing that happened was that I finally quit having a terrible nightmare that had plagued me for years. What a relief! I also begin to understand that God can and still does speak to us in our dreams - if we let Him. Just like in the Bible. Imagine that! 

This was not something taught in the traditional church that I grew up in. Nevertheless, I knew it was a real and valid experience. As I began to really pay attention to my dreams, record them and ask God for understanding, I was amazed at the results and the good effect it had on my life. I will be sharing a lot of these dreams and their meanings in this blog.

I continued to research, read and learn everything I could about Christian dream interpretation and how God speaks to us in our dreams. I've sat under some wonderful teachers that have greatly impacted my life. Recently, God made it very plain to me - in a dream with a confirmation - that it is time for me to share this knowledge and use it to help others. This blog is the first step in doing that.

I will explain the steps in understanding your dreams, how to know which ones mean something and which ones are "Pizza dreams". I plan to add a dream dictionary for looking up particular symbols. Most importantly of all, I will show you how to know when God is speaking to you and how to know what it means.

If you want me to interpret a dream for you, let me know. Often, I know immediately what something means. Other times, I need to pray about it and then tell you what I think I am hearing. I will also tell you how to know if someone else is interpreting your dream correctly. 

I think it is time for God's people to learn how to hear His voice. More than ever, today we need this. Dreams are just one way God can communicate with us. I look forward to sharing with you and hearing your comments back to me.

Sweet Dreams,


  1. I can't wait to read more, Melody! My sister calls me at least once a month with a dream for me to interpret. I'll be excited to hear what you've learned about this subject! :)

  2. i stumbled upon your blog Ms Melody,i am searching for answers myself,me and my best friend dream a lot...
